

Monday, April 14, 2008

Utopian Society (Energy)

The cost of oil is causing car manufacutures, politicians, and consumers to think about alternative methods to power their cars and homes. Research alternative methods of energy such as solar power, water, wind, vegetable products. Discuss the pros and cons to each of the types of energy listed above. After researching all of the energy sources what type of energy would you choose for your utopian society and why?


Gorgeous said...
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Marlene Fleming said...
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Pastor DT Johnson said...
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Pastor DT Johnson said...
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Pastor DT Johnson said...
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Pastor DT Johnson said...
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Anonymous said...

Using solar power might work. The only complication that may arise is the fact that the sun may not always be out in order to power things. Water may work because water is a source that will never run out so it could be a useful source. Wind may not be the best source because there is not always wind so the amount of things that need it may not work. Using vegetable products isn't the best power soucre because if we constantly pick our vegetables to use as a energy source, we will no longer have any vegetables to eat.
In my society, I would use recycled objects as energy. I would use this because we need to recycle more anyway to save our enviornment and if we use the recycled waist as energy to power things, it would eliminate the bickering on oil and it would eliminate pollution.

Ashley said...
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richardb said...

Solar power:proS:free energy cons:no power or energ

Water:Pros:theres water every where but if we start puting it in our cars our water dat we drink might end up being dieased even more than wat it is.


not done

Pastor DT Johnson said...

Alesha take down your post and research the different types of power. then discuss the pros and cons of each type of power. After you have done that then you may give your opinion on the type of power you would use.

Marlene Fleming said...

solar power: is energy from the sun in the form of heat and light. This energy drives the climate and weather and supports virtually all life on Earth. Heat and light from the sun, along with secondary solar resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for over 99.9% of the available flow of renewable energy on earth.
Solar energy technologies harness the sun's heat and light for practical ends such as heating, lighting and electricity. These technologies date from the time of the early Greeks, Native Americans and Chinese, who warmed their buildings by orienting them toward the sun.
Solar power is used synonymously with solar energy or more specifically to refer to the conversion of sunlight into electricity. This can be done with photovoltaics, concentrating solar thermal devices and various experimental technologies.

water/Hydro-electric:A dam is built to trap water, usually in a valley where there is an existing lake.
Water is allowed to flow through tunnels in the dam, to turn turbines and thus drive generators.
Notice that the dam is much thicker at the bottom than at the top, because the pressure of the water increases with depth.
Hydro-electric power stations can produce a great deal of power very cheaply.When it was first built, the huge "Hoover Dam", on the Colorado river, supplied much of the electricity for the city of Las Vegas; however now Las Vegas has grown so much, the city gets most of its energy from other sources.
Although there are many suitable sites around the world, hydro-electric dams are very expensive to build. However, once the station is built, the water comes free of charge, and there is no waste or pollution.
The Sun evaporates water from the sea and lakes, which forms clouds and falls as rain in the mountains, keeping the dam supplied with water.

wind:Wind is simple air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. Since the earth’s surface is made of very different types of land and water, it absorbs the sun’s heat at different rates.
During the day, the air above the land heats up more quickly than the air over water. The warm air over the land expands and rises, and the heavier, cooler air rushes in to take its place, creating winds. At night, the winds are reversed because the air cools more rapidly over land than over water.
In the same way, the large atmospheric winds that circle the earth are created because the land near the earth's equator is heated more by the sun than the land near the North and South Poles.
Today, wind energy is mainly used to generate electricity. Wind is called a renewable energy source because the wind will blow as long as the sun shines.
vegetable products:
couldn't find

Marlene Fleming said...

After researching i would chose wind prower. I chose this because wind will never go away. It is always there. Also in motion. But to 2nd my opinion i would chose water. I would chose water also because it is always there. When it is low rain will come and restore the water.

Ashley said...

Solar Power is safe,clean and Ecosystem friendly but it cost five times as much as gas the solar panels take up a lot of space you house might not be in a good angle to receive sun and at night when theres no sun you have to find a way to store it.
Water energy is cheap, clean, safe and efficient but it takes animals away from there natural habitat and you need long transmission lines to carry the power.
Wind energy is also cost efficient and energy efficient but the wind mills take up to much because sometimes they can be 20 stories high.there noisy and to install them it cost between 45,000 and 50,000 dollars
Out of all of them I would use water because all you really have to worry about is the transmission lines , Even though S0olar power works fine you would have to worry about your power going out at night or on a cloudy day.

Gorgeous said...

We can use solar power as a huge energy source. Solar power is used with solar energy or more specifically to refer to the conversion of sunlight into electricity. I would use that in the utopian society because it is very helpful and nessecary. We use solar power in two different ways as a heat source and energy source. For thousands of years people have used the sun as a heat source. Water is a common chemical substance that is imporant for the survival of all known forms of life. Without water you could not live you need water to live life. Have of your body is made up of water. Wind is the flow of air The most serious environmental drawbacks to wind machines may be their negative effect on wild bird populations and the visual impact on the landscape. Vegetables of an imporant part of a balanced diet without it your body would not be healthy. Your body needs to contain a certain amount of vegetables daily. Oil is also imporant because you need certain types of oil for cooking food. Also you need oil for your car to keep it on and running. Oil is so imporant in many country's after they discover it because it has so much great importance it costs so much money. I would have all of these things in my utopian society because they all are nessecary for any living human being.

Anonymous said...

myThe cost of oil is causing car manufacutures, politicians, and consumers to think about alternative methods to power their cars and homes. Research alternative methods of energy such as solar power, water, wind, vegetable products. Discuss the pros and cons to each of the types of energy listed above. After researching all of the energy sources what type of energy would you choose for your utopian society and why?

Solar power is a good source because you can use it in about to different ways. Its used for a heat source and also for a energy source.The cons are that in the summer it might become to hot for some people.

Wind power was used for thousands of years. The wind blows the propellors around which causes the generator to produce heat. The cond to this is that the propeller could break on day there would not be a source of energy.

The textile manufacturing industry was one of the first places known for using water power. The water machine looked like a cotton machine. which meant that like the other machines one day it could break.

romey said...

Kinetic energy is the energy contained in a moving mass or in a moving particle.Electrical energy, for example, is the flow of charged particles called electrons or ions. When electrons are flowing through a wire or through hundreds of feet of air.Mechanical energy is the useful way we sometimes refer to things like gears, engines, locomotives pulling trains, canon balls flying through the air, or other examples of energy in mechanical devices.Chemical energy is energy that is stored in molecular bonds, the forces that hold molecules together. So releasing chemical energy must mean the energy is finally free from its molecular bonds. When we eat, our bodies transform the energy stored in the food into energy to do work. When we run or walk, we "burn" food energy in our bodies. When we think or read or write, we are also doing work. Many times it's really hard work. Energy from the sun gives us light during the day. It dries our clothes when they're hanging outside on a clothes line. It helps plants grow. Energy stored in plants is eaten by animals, giving them energy. And predator animals eat their prey, which gives the predator animal energy. Overall their are tons of energy sources that we use everyday which is a very cool thing.So the energy sources that i would use for my utopian society would be all the ones i stated except kinetic energy. For one we need the suns energy to practicaly live!! because the sun provides heat which will keep my people warm in the winter and other chilly seasons. Second, electrical energy can be used for lights when the sun goes down and they need
light to see.Mechanical energy can be used for cars for transportation so the people would'nt have to walk.Chemical energy can be used to combine things to make medicine and other chemicals.those are the pros. the cons will be if the energy that is avaible is used to much and probably a catastrofic diaster will result in the overuse of these energies. So to bring it all in a nut shell every energy will have a purpose in my utopian society. Accademie over and out!!!!!!!!!!

Shawon said...

vuSolor power would be the alternative to use because you can never run out of solar power.Some materials such as calculators are already used from solar power. Water would be a good choice but water can run out because people use it for many things such as washing,drinking,and many more things that people use for everyday living.Wind would not be a good...NOT FINSIH!!

CHARM aka WAFFLES said...

solar energy
~ is used for water heating. during the day the sun heats the water to hot and it is the tanks job to keep the water hot through the night because once the sun is at rest it donse not heat.

Water energy
~ this type of water power is being used for a car. using 100% water as fuel is real. By spiltting water by electrolysis and creating hydrogen/oxygen gas, you can replace gasoline. BMW has them! Hyunda will be making them. Japan indorses them.

Wind energy
~Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines. In windmills, wind energy is directly used to crush grain or to pump water. When it comes to size, bigger is better – the bigger the wind turbine, the more wind it reaches and the more electricity it produces.

Vegetable energy
~ The biofuel discovery by U.S. Sustainable Energy Corp. is a major advancement for green energy that creates a quality organic-based fertilizer, while also producing unique biofuel and biogas natural byproducts at very low cost.

The power i wouldlike to use is solar energy. i think that solar energy would be a good source beacuse in my utopia will have have light that can go on and off when the sun is shinning or not kind of like some lights today.

Shawon said...

Solar power

Solar energy would be a great alternative to use because it will help you save money.You would not have to pay a electic bill or use any fuel for anything thing.Solar is alway clean and isnt harmful at all.But there are some great disadvantages with using solar power.Similarly, no solar energy will be produced during nighttime although a battery backup system might solve this problem.Even if you use solar for cars there the cars might not go as fast as it would if you was using gas.And the cost of getting solar power would be alot of money.


Wind has been a energy source for a long time. The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind power to pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago, and sailing boats were around long before that.
Wind power was used in the Middle Ages, in Europe, to grind corn, which is where the term "windmill" comes from.Wind is good to use because its free.But the con of wind is that wind not always predictable .Which means some days there wound not be any wind.


Water is great because is no waste or pollution produced.It is also Much more reliable than wind, solar or wave power.Electricity can also be generated constantly.And you could use dams for a place to store the water.but The dams are very expensive to build.However, many dams are also used for flood control or irrigation, so building costs can be shared.

ThomasH18 said...

In my Utopian Society I would use solar power for everything in the day time, but at night i would use electric help power my society at night.

All the cars in my society would have solar roof tops.So when the sun is up the cars would be able to work off of their solar power. But once the sun goes down the electric would kick in on the car.

Chaz said...

Solar power:
The pros: It can be used in different ways such as a heat source and/or a energy source.The cons are that in the summer it can get very hot for most people.

Wind Power:
The pros: it is a domestic source also known has better stabiltiy.
The Cons: it must trade off against other moral goods we could pursue.

The pros:Everywhere you go you will see water but like richard said if they start putting water in cars the water we drink would be more worst then wat it is now.

The power I would select for my utopian society would be Solar power for everything in the day light but once it get dark i would also want to use electricity power.