How would you design your cities? How would the houses be arranged? How would businesses be arranged? Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
My cities would be dsign like an normal city will be like. For every street you have you will have an coner store. Also there will be an small place for business to be able to boom like an miny new york city. Yes my cite will have an park, an water fall for people who want to get romance or just an water fall for viewing. I want my city to be this way because it will make the people being there feel like home and not feel out of place.
the way i would design mi cities would be in the form of a heptagon which is a seven sided figure the reason for this is because i would be an awsome way to build a citie and also unique.i would have lots of rivers probably 2 and some landscapes to look at and for natural resourses i would have the one we use in america like oil,water,coal,and of course food and also metal just in case i want to build moer and mi bussiness would be like jobs for anybody who wants to have a job and thats it!!!
It would be set up like a gated community. Which mean that the whole city will be privite. With cameras and shopping malls right there inside the community. You will have everything you need in order to survive. You would never have to leave from outside of the giant gates surrounding the city and the different types of communities.
How would the houses be arranged?
The houses would be arranged by different types of communities. it will be about 5 or 6 different selection of houses. For example single,twin,apartments,duplex,mansions and more.
How would businesses be arranged?
Well all of the businesses will be arranged inside the different types of houses like for example the market will be inside the apartment community.which means that anyone that live in the city can shop there.
Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
My design will not have rivers or mountains it would have a few lakes.
My Utopian Society wouldn't have buildings with jobs and highways because all those things represent stress and it would have to be totally different from the cities today.
How would you design your cities? How would the houses be arranged? How would businesses be arranged? Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city? ___________________________________ I believe that my design will look like a closed in home area. Meaning it will have a huge gate guarding the whole homing area. The way my business would be arranged is N/A right now. The design of my city will have a few small rivers and plenty of large trees. The area will look very peaceful and have people from all over want to live there. It will have multi color house. Not all of them will have bright colors. But not all of them will be the same color. I want my home area to be different. I have big houses for people that can afford to pay more. Then there will be the smaller big houses for the people that can afford them. All in all, all the houses would be a nice size. Big trees or small bushes in front of ever house. All the front lawns will be huge. The back yard would be the same. The area would be animal friendly. All sorts of pets are allowed, except endangered ones. Everyone has to get a background check before moving in. My area cant have no type of Peda's there. That's just a little idea of what my city would look like.
Marlene do you think corner stores and bustling streets would really be beneficial in the Utopian society. I mean don't most people want to get away from that environment? Would that truly be utopia?
I would design my city with brick spaced-out houses because there would be less interruption from living in a row housing block full of people with their family problems next door. The businesses in my city would be like a copy of downtown with a fully constructed City Hall, shopping malls, pharmacies, and many business buildings in the inner city. In addition, my city will incorporate lakes and rivers, but there will be no mountains allowed because that would sound crazy to have those in your city. For instance, if I am the one creating my city and I chose mountains not to exist in the city therefore that is what I want while it is being created.
the setting of my cities would be a island all of the houses will be spaced out from eachother and the size of 7-11. the businesses would be like downtown philly. yes it will have lakes, rivers so on and so on.
The way I would set up my city is it would be inner and outer parts to the city. The houses would be equally spaced from each other in the outer part of the city. The inner city would be where the businesses will be arranged. It will kind of be like downtown in Philadelphia with malls, pharmacies, and others stores that will be useful to the people. The design of the city would be like the one you have a picture of but much bigger. It would also have borders around it to protect the people from attacks or natural disasters. It would be build near a lake or river like in a valley around mountains. But there would be roads to get out to the outside would.
Precious It is interesting that you will have housing based on economic status. Will there be certain sections that the wealthy can live? Will there be a section for the poor?
I believe the houses will set based on size. if they are big houses, they will be all together. If there are small houses, they will be together. So i guess its safe to say yes. it will be separated by wealth ( and the size of the house).
In my utopian society, my houses would be arranged inside of a large circle and each house will have a significant amount of land/yard space added to it.
I would design my cities like a heart . My houses would would design in a peace sign.The businesses will be in and around the peace sign.yes the design of my city will incorporate natural resources. I will design my city as an heart because thats what the city will be about.
I would design my city like a regualar community.It would be normal like ahy other city.It would have main Avenues and shopping malls.
How would the houses be arranged?
The houses would be arranged by which communnity their in. For example in one community their would be mostly houses and apartments. Then in another community their would be moslty mansions and more exspensive.
How would business be arranged?
Business would be based off of the community. Basically the income of the community.
Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
It would basically be alot of lakes and tress.It wouldnt be near the city though. But it would be near a river. Also their would be long roads and valleys that would take you places.
I would design my city no different from any other city. The houses would be spaced out because in the world we live in today people will want there privacy. There will be one major section for businesses so that there wont be any confusion with any of the residences.
How would you design your cities? How would the houses be arranged? How would businesses be arranged? Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
In my citie I would have mountains sorrounding the whole place so that it would be a better chance of keeping the enemies out. In my opinion it would be harder for them to come in. I also would have rivers flowing and many lakes. The houses would be arranged in little neighborhoods. Each size of the house would be determined by the neighborhood. So if you would want a more bigger house youwould have to be more wealthy. The buisnesses we be spread all over some would be in a section where the big buisnesses would be. That area would be alittle more busier than the smaller buisnesses. The smaller buisnesses would be in a more secluded area alittle more quite. I want my city to be filed with natural resources but to have the touch of a real city.
To truthfully be honest I'm not really sure how I would set up my utopian society because a utopia for me my not be the way someone else will see it and i don't think it would be a utopia if everyone is not happy
My city would first have boarders around it so all of the people that don't believe the way my society does could not get in and messup our society. There would alot of trees and green grass around the front gates to show how peaceful it is in my society and there would be high walls but not in a evil type look. I wouldn't want my members of my society to feel trapped like prison or something. There would be two main rivers that would run all around the society.The river would be pretty deep and would be located rite near the big wall so anyone ho would try to climb in from the outside would fall into the water. My wall would be 50 feet high. In the middle of my town would be down town and there would be many of food places and stores to get clothes,cars,and other humanly needs. Everyone would paid the same so no one be higher then the other which would cause less disagreements.
The housing in my society would be pretty cool. every house would be big with a masune type look to them, with main amazing features to them like basketball courts,football feilds,go kart tracks which ever you like would be available to the home owner. all houses would look the same on the out side. So no person would feel out done.
My society would just be a free enviroment and with no violence.
My city will be body guards at each door and side and mines is going to be a noraml city but im going to be water falls and a nice playground for little children and a club for couples only and fights and My house is going to be like a beach house there going to be a teen spot to chill at.
How would the houses be arranged? the house is going to look like beach houses bt my house is going to have maids and body guards and My teacher Mrs.Karla can't come in.
How would businesses be arranged? Business would be based off of the people in the community.
Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city? How would i design my city it would have Lakes, and rivers no mountain.
I would put name my city rab city it would have a busineses. With high risers but it wouldnt be to close to the homes houses or things of the short. The houses would be organized homes and the nieghborhood would be arranged in letters like a,b,c
My city would have many single homes because twin homes are not very safe especially when it comes to fires because if one was to catch on fire it's a great possibility that the other can catch fire also. I would have one huge area for businesses. The natural resource that I would incorporate is lakes and rivers. The design of my city would first be very spacious because many cities are cluttered, There will be no bad air pollution because that's one thing that gets people very ill, It would stay clean always,Crime will not be a factor and it will be very peaceful.
My cities would be dsign like an normal city will be like. For every street you have you will have an coner store. Also there will be an small place for business to be able to boom like an miny new york city. Yes my cite will have an park, an water fall for people who want to get romance or just an water fall for viewing. I want my city to be this way because it will make the people being there feel like home and not feel out of place.
the way i would design mi cities would be in the form of a heptagon which is a seven sided figure the reason for this is because i would be an awsome way to build a citie and also unique.i would have lots of rivers probably 2 and some landscapes to look at and for natural resourses i would have the one we use in america like oil,water,coal,and of course food and also metal just in case i want to build moer and mi bussiness would be like jobs for anybody who wants to have a job and thats it!!!
How would you design your cities?
It would be set up like a gated community. Which mean that the whole city will be privite. With cameras and shopping malls right there inside the community. You will have everything you need in order to survive. You would never have to leave from outside of the giant gates surrounding the city and the different types of communities.
How would the houses be arranged?
The houses would be arranged by different types of communities. it will be about 5 or 6 different selection of houses. For example single,twin,apartments,duplex,mansions and more.
How would businesses be arranged?
Well all of the businesses will be arranged inside the different types of houses like for example the market will be inside the apartment community.which means that anyone that live in the city can shop there.
Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
My design will not have rivers or mountains it would have a few lakes.
My Utopian Society wouldn't have buildings with jobs and highways because all those things represent stress and it would have to be totally different from the cities today.
Ashley good point about the roads and some building causing stress. Discuss an alternative to these things.
How would you design your cities? How would the houses be arranged? How would businesses be arranged? Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
I believe that my design will look like a closed in home area. Meaning it will have a huge gate guarding the whole homing area. The way my business would be arranged is N/A right now. The design of my city will have a few small rivers and plenty of large trees. The area will look very peaceful and have people from all over want to live there. It will have multi color house. Not all of them will have bright colors. But not all of them will be the same color. I want my home area to be different. I have big houses for people that can afford to pay more. Then there will be the smaller big houses for the people that can afford them. All in all, all the houses would be a nice size. Big trees or small bushes in front of ever house. All the front lawns will be huge. The back yard would be the same. The area would be animal friendly. All sorts of pets are allowed, except endangered ones. Everyone has to get a background check before moving in. My area cant have no type of Peda's there. That's just a little idea of what my city would look like.
Marlene do you think corner stores and bustling streets would really be beneficial in the Utopian society. I mean don't most people want to get away from that environment? Would that truly be utopia?
I would design my city with brick spaced-out houses because there would be less interruption from living in a row housing block full of people with their family problems next door. The businesses in my city would be like a copy of downtown with a fully constructed City Hall, shopping malls, pharmacies, and many business buildings in the inner city. In addition, my city will incorporate lakes and rivers, but there will be no mountains allowed because that would sound crazy to have those in your city. For instance, if I am the one creating my city and I chose mountains not to exist in the city therefore that is what I want while it is being created.
the setting of my cities would be a island all of the houses will be spaced out from eachother and the size of 7-11. the businesses would be like downtown philly. yes it will have lakes, rivers so on and so on.
The way I would set up my city is it would be inner and outer parts to the city. The houses would be equally spaced from each other in the outer part of the city. The inner city would be where the businesses will be arranged. It will kind of be like downtown in Philadelphia with malls, pharmacies, and others stores that will be useful to the people. The design of the city would be like the one you have a picture of but much bigger. It would also have borders around it to protect the people from attacks or natural disasters.
It would be build near a lake or river like in a valley around mountains. But there would be roads to get out to the outside would.
Chaz View my comments to Ashley and respond.
Precious It is interesting that you will have housing based on economic status. Will there be certain sections that the wealthy can live? Will there be a section for the poor?
I believe the houses will set based on size. if they are big houses, they will be all together. If there are small houses, they will be together. So i guess its safe to say yes. it will be separated by wealth ( and the size of the house).
In my utopian society, my houses would be arranged inside of a large circle and each house will have a significant amount of land/yard space added to it.
I would design my cities like a heart . My houses would would design in a peace sign.The businesses will be in and around the peace sign.yes the design of my city will incorporate natural resources. I will design my city as an heart because thats what the city will be about.
How would you design your cities?
I would design my city like a regualar community.It would be normal like ahy other city.It would have main Avenues and shopping malls.
How would the houses be arranged?
The houses would be arranged by which communnity their in. For example in one community their would be mostly houses and apartments. Then in another community their would be moslty mansions and more exspensive.
How would business be arranged?
Business would be based off of the community. Basically the income of the community.
Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
It would basically be alot of lakes and tress.It wouldnt be near the city though. But it would be near a river. Also their would be long roads and valleys that would take you places.
I would design my city no different from any other city. The houses would be spaced out because in the world we live in today people will want there privacy. There will be one major section for businesses so that there wont be any confusion with any of the residences.
So marlene, will your city look how the city look now?
Ashley, thats all you want in your city?
Shanee, Good idea
Amber, I like your idea but where would the rivers be?
How would you design your cities? How would the houses be arranged? How would businesses be arranged? Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
In my citie I would have mountains sorrounding the whole place so that it would be a better chance of keeping the enemies out. In my opinion it would be harder for them to come in. I also would have rivers flowing and many lakes. The houses would be arranged in little neighborhoods. Each size of the house would be determined by the neighborhood. So if you would want a more bigger house youwould have to be more wealthy. The buisnesses we be spread all over some would be in a section where the big buisnesses would be. That area would be alittle more busier than the smaller buisnesses. The smaller buisnesses would be in a more secluded area alittle more quite. I want my city to be filed with natural resources but to have the touch of a real city.
To truthfully be honest I'm not really sure how I would set up my utopian society because a utopia for me my not be the way someone else will see it and i don't think it would be a utopia if everyone is not happy
My city would first have boarders around it so all
of the people that don't believe the way my society does could not get in and messup our society. There would alot of trees and green grass around the front gates to show how peaceful it is in my society and there would be high walls but not in a evil type look.
I wouldn't want my members of my society to feel trapped like prison or something. There would be two main rivers that would run all around the society.The river would be pretty deep and would be located rite near the big wall so anyone ho would try to climb in from the outside would fall into the water. My wall would be 50 feet high. In the middle of my town would be down town and there would be many of food places and stores to get clothes,cars,and other humanly needs. Everyone would paid the same so no one be higher then the other which would cause less disagreements.
The housing in my society would be pretty cool. every house would be big with a masune type look to them, with main amazing features to them like basketball courts,football feilds,go kart tracks which ever you like would be available to the home owner. all houses would look the same on the out side. So no person would feel out done.
My society would just be a free enviroment and with no violence.
These are all really good ideas. But my question to everyone is will you live in that house?
My city will be body guards at each door and side and mines is going to be a noraml city but im going to be water falls and a nice playground for little children and a club for couples only and fights and My house is going to be like a beach house there going to be a teen spot to chill at.
How would the houses be arranged? the house is going to look like beach houses bt my house is going to have maids and body guards and My teacher Mrs.Karla can't come in.
How would businesses be arranged? Business would be based off of the people in the community.
Would the design of your city incorporate natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountaing)? Explain the design of your city?
How would i design my city it would have Lakes, and rivers no mountain.
I would put name my city rab city it would have a busineses. With high risers but it wouldnt be to close to the homes houses or things of the short. The houses would be organized homes and the nieghborhood would be arranged in letters like a,b,c
My city would have many single homes because twin homes are not very safe especially when it comes to fires because if one was to catch on fire it's a great possibility that the other can catch fire also. I would have one huge area for businesses. The natural resource that I would incorporate is lakes and rivers. The design of my city would first be very spacious because many cities are cluttered, There will be no bad air pollution because that's one thing that gets people very ill, It would stay clean always,Crime will not be a factor and it will be very peaceful.
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