

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Utopian Society (Architecture) Guana

The Island of Guana was part of the Quaker Experiment. Discuss the pros and cons of an Island such as Guana. What are your opinions on the use of slaves to develop the land? How do economics play a part in being able to visit, live, or work on the island? Should you be able to buy utopia?
For this thread you must respond to no less than five of your cohort members. Your responses need to include supporting details for your opinion.


Gorgeous said...

The Island of Guana was part of the Quaker Experiment. Discuss the pros and cons of an Island such as Guana. What are your opinions on the use of slaves to develop the land? How do economics play a part in being able to visit, live, or work on the island? Should you be able to buy utopia?
For this thread you must respond to no less than five of your cohort members. Your responses need to include supporting details for your opinion.

Guana is a beautiful place it has fresh water to drink and it is very peaceful. If you love privacy it is a wonderful place to be. But since it is so far if an emergency was to happen how would help come. You could have weddings there and you could rent the island. To me those are pros of the island. People that have a interest in nature that would be a wonderful place to explore. But that sems like the only thing it has to is just nature what if somebody has other tings they want to see besides just nature. To me that would be a con they also have an endangered specie there. The carribean roseate and the crest fallen travelet. I don't think slaves should be developing the island. It's all up to the person if they really want to do anything for the island. So i do not agree with that people have free will.I think that the island should just be for vacation i don't think people should live or make buisnesses there. To me that will ruin the islands beauty. Utopia should be for sale for those who want to live that type of life style. If someone is tired of living in unsafe neighborhoods they should be able to choose their way of living.

Lctisha said...

{The Island Of Ghana}
Ghana Island is an island of the British Virgin Island in the Carribean.Ghana was a barely inhabited backwater until recent years.It was founded by two Quaker families.They came to Ghana as part of what was called "The Quaker Experiment".Which lasted for about forty-five years. They're names were Beth and Louis Bigelow. I think that econmoics do play a big role in visiting Ghana and you shouldnt be able to purchase it.

Anonymous said...

The Island of Guana

The History of the Island of Guana
In the 18th Century, two Quaker families came to Guana as part of what was called "the Quaker Experiment" which lasted for about forty-five years. When they were recalled to the United States and to England, they left behind two cannons still on Guana today. Archaeologists have studied the Quaker ruins and have also unearthed older artifacts that give insight into Guana's earlier Amerindian history.

After the Quakers, who inhabited Guana?
Beth and Louis Bigelow of Massachusetts purchased Guana in 1934. With the help of their local friends, they built six stone cottages. They then developed a reputation as creative pioneers. Their guests, which included professionals, intellectuals, and world travelers, stayed for months at a time.

Henry and Gloria Jarecki bought Guana in 1975 and began improving accommodations and other facilities with the goal of maintaining the island's historic style and ambiance. They established a long-term restoration program to protect the island and bring back the species that once inhabited the island. Now, Guana is an 850 acre private island resort with 7 beaches, and accommodations for 36 guests. To rent out the island its about $23,000 a day.

What did scientists say?
Scientists say that Guana has more flora and fauna than any island of its size yet studied in the Caribbean and possibly the world. The restoration program brought species back to Guana and other Virgin Islands.

Guana's make-up.
Guana has three reef areas. Their names are White Bay, Muskmelon Bay, and North Bay. White Bay is a set of parallel patch reefs in shallow water, where there are no strong waves or currents. The reefs are home to about 100 tropical reef fish, fan corals, and the various species of hard corals. Muskmelon Bay is a deep bay with reefs as large as 60 to 80 feet. Large, oceanic fish like tuna and king mackerel may be seen there. North Bay is a windward, rough-water bay with deep reefs and wrecks.

richardb said...

The Island of Guana was part of the Quaker Experiment. Discuss the pros and cons of an Island such as Guana. What are your opinions on the use of slaves to develop the land? How do economics play a part in being able to visit, live, or work on the island? Should you be able to buy utopia?
For this thread you must respond to no less than five of your cohort members. your responses need to include supporting details for your opinion.

pros:no real laws,more freedom,no us goverment,you owing your own land.

cons:its going cost alot of money to start buliding a house. and you have to

My opion on slaves is that you shouldnt have to be a slave you should want to do they shouldnt force anything.Well you should be able to buy a utiopia society but its going to put a big hole in your pocket because its so expensive.


Anonymous said...

ozThe pros of an island such as Guana is that its small and lovely. The water is nice. If you want privacy you can get it. Its a good vacationing spot for couples to just get away.
The cons of an island such as Guana is that it will cost a lot of money for peopel to rent. Who ever owns the island have to make sure everyday that it is up and running and it will be okay for the public.
I don't think that slaves should be used to develop the land because we are all set free. You should get workers that will work but will also be getting paid for there jard work.

-LAtisha you did not answere any questions that was posted underneath the original post.

-Alicia I agree with you because we have the same point of view on the island Guana.

-Amber I like how you added facts and things about Guana on your post that helped you answere the questions.

-Richard I also agree with you.

Marlene Fleming said...

Guana is an small island that is far away from people. The pro's of Guana is that its small and full up with tree's and near water. The con is that it is small and sooner or later the people will get sick of seeing each other and will try to move off the island. There will be no slaves on this island. It will be the people building there house and they will have an certain about of days for them to built the house. Enconomics will visit this island beucase the island wil be spit into equal parts. after that then if they want to visit the land they would play an small fee of 15.oo per person. Live they will be no cost. and work they will have from the job enough money to surport themselves. Yes you sghould be able to buy the island.

Marlene Fleming said...

Alicia- i agree with you
Amber i agree with you
Tisha(sorri i spelt yur name wrong) Why do you think that
Richard-why would it cost so much to build houses?

Shalena said...

The pros about Guana is that its a peaceful island and have no laws.The cons are that it to far out. I think shouldn't have use slave to develop the land. I think you should be able to buy utopia.

I agree with Gorgeous because Guana is a beautiful place it has fresh water to drink and it is very peaceful. If you love privacy it is a wonderful place to be.

Amber answer the other question. But good research.

Gorgeous said...

Tisha i agree becuase it's a beautiful island and no one should own any part of it. People always discover something and try and ruin it to make it something of their own desire. If someone was to buy that beautiful place it would not be as pleasant like it first was. Somethings just should reamin the same as it is.

Anonymous said...

The pros would be that the people who visit Guana can be in peace and serenity and are able to escape the harshness of society. The cons would be that something could happen to a person such as kidnapping or rape because Guana is a private island and is expected to be a utopia. I feel that it was wrong for the Quakers to use slaves for the development of the land. Although the island is an island of peace, a person cannot witness that unless they have at least $40,000. In all actuality, that island was made for people who are finacially stable. I think if you can afford the utopia then you should experience it.

Gorgeous said...

Richard you have good information but do you really think people should own that beautiful place. Think it would not be as beautiful because of ownership. That place was probably there before anybody was alive it is owned by nature not people

Gorgeous said...

Amber i see where you are coming from i believe people should be able to visit there. But face it it's apart of the earth why should something that came naturally frome the earth be sold over a couple thousand dollars. Or in my words be turned into something that is not peaceful. You know how humans are they see something that they like and make into one big mess. What about the animals that are already going extinct if humans turn it into someting they like. What about the animals habitat.

Brittany said...

This island can be good and bad at the same time. I don't believe that slaves should have been used to develop the land.

Gorgeous said...

Marlene i can see why u agree with me because you can unserstand the importance of the island.

Gorgeous said...

Brittney i agree slaves should n ot be forced to do anyhitng against their will. This is not slave times anymore people have their own rights matter of fact slave don't even exist anymore. But if that was possible which i hope it's not that would be a shame because people are entitled to their won rights.

Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

In the 18 century two Quakers came to Guana for something called the Quaker experience it lasted 45 years and they used African slaves to do work for them.
In 1934 Beth and Louis Bigelow bought it and built six houses and became pioneers.
In 1975 Henry and Gloria Jarecki purchased it and started improving the land for the people.

I think you cant build a Utopia with slave because you cant have peace and free will if you forcing people to do something.

I don't think you should be able to buy Utopia because some people can't afford it so only rich people would have it.

romey said...

The Island of Guana was part of the Quaker Experiment. Discuss the pros and cons of an Island such as Guana. What are your opinions on the use of slaves to develop the land? How do economics play a part in being able to visit, live, or work on the island? Should you be able to buy utopia?
For this thread you must respond to no less than five of your cohort members. Your responses need to include supporting details for your opinion.
Guana is great and all weddings celebrated, parties, but wat if a disastrter striked how can help arrive on time and do u think that they would get through a storm if it was by boat or plane.

richardb said...

Alica if it is owned by nature and not people dat wouldnt be considered perfect soceity for most people.
I dont agree wit alicia cause u didnt answer none of the questions

I dont agree wit tisha wat is tisha even talking about.

Marleen-houses would cost so much because first you have to get the material and if its not already on da island your goin have to pay for it to come to the island cause its going have to get shiped then if you not uses slaves to build a house your goin have to pay your workers.

I agree wit shanee

Chaz said...

The Island of Guana was part of the Quaker Experiment. Discuss the pros and cons of an Island such as Guana. What are your opinions on the use of slaves to develop the land? How do economics play a part in being able to visit, live, or work on the island? Should you be able to buy utopia?

My opinion on slaves being used to develop more land is wrong,and selfish because black people should not have been called slaves back then moreover they should not be force to do anything they dont want to do. In addition, you should be able to buy the utopian society & it would probably cost enough to make you go broke.The pros of Guana is that it is peaceful and have no laws.The cons are that this island is too far.