

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Utopian Debate (Architecture)

In this thread you must discuss Architecture.
What style of housing would you use?
Is "row housing" the best way to organize housing?
What types of materials would be used? Wood? Stone? Brick? Mud?
You must discuss the reason why you chose the materials. Is it bio-degradable?

You must respond to the ideas of at least four of your cohort (group) members.


Marlene Fleming said...

As the topic is
i would use brickes beucase they are the best foundation and will last longer then anyother type of material. ALso if i use brick it will last against a storm. Each house will standing nest to each other but by itself. the house will not conect in any way. If the house is be itself then you dont have to hear what is going on in the next person house.

Gorgeous said...

In this thread you must Discuss Architecture.
What style of housing would you use?
Is "row housing" the best way to organize housing?
What types of materials would be used? Wood? Stone? Brick? Mud?
You must discuss the reason why you chose the materials. Is it bio-degradable?
Me personally would use brick because it's sturdy and strong row housing is good only to a certain extinct. Wood is good but not strong enough for example it can break easily.

Marlene Fleming said...

ok alicia why an row house. NOt an house that can stand by itself. What so important about an row house

Gorgeous said...

ok marlene i did not so much say just a row house a nice stand alone brick house. But a row house wouldn't be a bad idea because it's smaller and will stand more sturdy and strong.

Anonymous said...

The best material to use would be brickes. I chose to use bricks becuase of its strenght and hardness.I think that it any damage happened to the house that the bricks would hold up. Also when using bricks you could build many types of angles and shapes.

Marlene Fleming said...

so you saying smaller is better. how long wil the row house be? wil it be able to surport an family of 5 or up?

Gorgeous said...

i agree eleese but bricks is not always a good choice. What about other options a house just does not just consists of bricks.

Marlene Fleming said...

to eleese what kind of house would it be. Like an small row house or an house that stand by itself.

Marlene Fleming said...

To alicia
if you use straw would it stand up againt an storm?

Ashley said...

I would use wood or stones and the houses wouldn't be close together, because thats how it was a long time ago and things were more peaceful and Utopian like in the past so to get there you should do thing how they were done before.

Gorgeous said...

Marlene what does straw have to with anything but any who....bricks would hold against anything.And wood will help keep the house standing tall.

Anonymous said...

Well marlene it would be a single house that would stand by itself.The next house would be like a mile away.

Marlene Fleming said...

to alicia i will agree with you

Marlene Fleming said...

to ashley
what do you mean when you use wood or stones would it last against an storm? if you use that how would you make the stone and wood stay together

Ashley said...

I don't know you could use mud or something but if it worked along time ago it could work now.

Gorgeous said...

Ashley that's ok and everything but is that all you would use?

Brittany said...

The material that I would use is bricks because they are very strong especially when comes to very strong storms. Bricks can stand a storm more than other materials.

Gorgeous said...

right brittney but you have to use other materials besides bricks what elese would you use and why

Brittany said...

marlene i agree with you

Brittany said...

i know that alicia but i ain't feel like typing more

Chaz said...

I would use brick row housing because the bricks are strong enough to hold and keep you safe from many things such as strong tornado's if you live where they exist. In addition,wood can break easily, mud cannot keep you safe from anything,and stones I just don't trust.

Marlene Fleming said...

to britany
i agree with you

Gabrielle said...

I personally agree with Marlene. My house will be made of strong brick but the house will be at least 40 to 60 feet apart from each other.

Ashley said...

I guess you can use more materials but it should be kept simple so people don't try to compete with each other

Marlene Fleming said...

to chaz i agree with you
mud could cus bad health

Chaz said...

I agree with what alicia's 3rd to last statment about marlene talking bout straws housing

Anonymous said...

I would use bricks because they are more sturdier than anything else and a house needs a strong foundation so that it can stand on and last. In turns of whether should they be in a row or single I think that the best would be single homes because people need to have their own privacy and row houses are just to close together.

Pastor DT Johnson said...

Do a little research get on line and look at some materials that are being developed that are eco- friendly.

Shalena said...

The materials i would use is stone because stone is harder than bricks, wood, and mud. The house would stand one by one because the house want be small they will be big. When they are by thet are one by one people wont have to worried about having the same problems. For example if one person lights go out you wont havew to worriede about your lights going out.

Chaz said...

To ashley about the past I agree with you but does the past have an affect on how our future or present times are now. Meaning that it was peaceful once but what happen to make it what it is today.

CHARM aka WAFFLES said...

i think that the houses should be made out of stone and rubber. i think the houses should be made of these things because rubber last for a long time and stone is sexy, there all types of styles so the people can get creative with the dacore of the inside of the house.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, row housing is not the best way to organize housing because everybody needs their space. In our lifetime, row housing affects the lives of the people living in them. For instance, if a person living in one house and thier living space is infested with roaches, the person nexta dioor to them will have roaches too because of how close their houses are. I feel that in order to prevent problems in the neighborhoods of a utopian society, people should have thier own land surrounding their homes so they will not have to worry about the ingnorance of their neighbors.

In my utopian society, the houses with be composed of stone, brick, metal,and wood. The foundation or the skeleton of the house will be made of metal and wood so it will be strong enough to stand against the toughest of storms. The walls would be made of stone and will have a layer of dry wall on top of it so it won't look too ugly or boring. The roof will be made of metal and wood and will be bolted to the skeleton of the wall to prevent collaspe. The decor of the interior of the house will be up to the resident but the construction will enable the resident to design it. The house will be similar to the houses today just with alittle more reinforcements to ensure that the home will not and cannot be damages.

CHARM aka WAFFLES said...

no i do no think that there should be row houses because the ones that are spaced out seen more classie to me

Chaz said...

To Alicia argument against Brittney about other materials what Brittney chose were the materials that were apply to us doing this blog and she thinks that bricks are the strongest of them all which is a choice to me.

Ashley said...

To answer Chaz's question I think that if people wouldn't have invented things that made people feel they have to compete and get violent the world would still be peaceful.

Gorgeous said...

chaz to add to ur confusion bricks is not the only thing to built a house with.

Anonymous said...

I agree with ALL that Amber stated because if you think about in today's society we live in a time where people like their space so spacing the houses out will best

Marlene Fleming said...

to gabrille
i agree with you to

Anonymous said...

Shalena is there anything else that you are considering to build your house with

Precious @k@ {[EyE cAnDii]} said...

In this thread you must Discuss Architecture.
*What style of housing would you use?
*Is "row housing" the best way to organize housing?
*What types of materials would be used? Wood? Stone? Brick? Mud?
You must discuss the reason why you chose the materials. Is it bio-degradable?

You must respond to the ideas of at least four of your cohort (group) members.

OK, i believe if i was building a house, i would, of course, use brick to build it. Brick to me is the best thing to use to build a house because during a strom, it wont blow away or anything. If i used mud, then in a storm, the mud could melt and get soggy. Then my house would be destroyed. I could use stones because they are kind of like brick. But its not a def. that they will stay up like a brick house would. Wood... really. that would be like living in a tree house. ha ha. i mean, some people do it but i think its a waste of time

Precious @k@ {[EyE cAnDii]} said...

ok like everyones idea.

This is a question for everyone. would you live in the houses that you are talking about building.

Lctisha said...

I thnk i would use bricks to build the house because if i use that then it would last longer. Bricks help keeps a house up because their are time where they are many weather issues and It will help to keep it togeather.I would want my houses to be side by side next to each other in a row.

richardb said...

If i was bulding a house it would be made out of bricks. i wouldnt use row housing cause its to close togather and the walls are thin so you can hear everything thats goin on next door and maybe one day somebody might have a party or sumthing.

richardb said...

I agree wit tisha

richardb said...

alicia bricks might not be the best but its more stable den anything elese