Write a 5 paragraph essay on the film " Loose Change." You must discuss three scientific aspects of the film and how they relate to Physics. Please research other sources to support your opinions. You must cite your sources at the end of your essay.
In the film loose chage physics palyed a big role in the film. From the time the plane crashed into the twin towers. That was gravity actiing on the whole thing. Also when the building began to fall after the explosion in my opinion that was free fall.Free fall is motion with no acceleration other than that provided by gravity.
In my opinion it was plenty of freefall but.falling through an atmosphere is also referred to as free fall. And the building was definiately falling. Standing on the ground the gravitational acceleration is interraacted. by the normal force from the ground.
Also sep.11 remind me of a ride a dorney park that takes u up then drops you back down. It is called the dominater it is something like freefall.
Also gravity acted on the whole thing because without gravity it would have just stayed in place. Gravitation is by which all objects with mass attract each other. So everything just acted on each other at the same time. So did the explosion which was the main cause of the building falling.
Gravity is in everyday use so any typical or noram action gravity would be used in.
The movie Loose Change unearthed the truth about what happened during 9/11. However, this synopsis is not going to describe the deceit that the government has put forth. It will describe the science of what happened. I will describe what could and could not have happened during the plane crashes, the structures of the buildings and why they fell, and why in some cases, this is not entirely true.
The explanation as to why the pentagon was hit stated that it was a plane that demolished the side of the building. But, the researcher/narrator of "Loose Change" stated otherwise and gave accurate information to prove his claim. First, he talked about the structure of the plane that collided with the wall of the pentagon. The plane was a Boeing 757. It was 155 feet long, 44 feet high, had a 144 foot wingspan, and weighed 100 tons. The turbine engines on the plane were 6x9x12 feet each, weighted 6 tons each, and were made of steel and titanium. In the movie, it stated that the people who were trying to "explain" the collision stated that the plane was completely vaporized while being inside of the building and that was the reason why none of the plane's remains were found. But, if you think about it logically, how could there not be any remains at all? The narrator stated that because of what the plane was made of, it could not have been vaporized and it would have to reach intense heat before it would be able to. This so called crash was compared to a plane that was similar to that of the pentagon collision. The plane crash landed in Greece and left behind a numerous amount of debris such as, the wings, the nose, human bodies, and other things that proved that a plane had crashed. So again, how could there not be any debris during the pentagon attack? During the pentagon collision, the narrator also stated that the so called "plane" had left a hole that was 16 feet in diameter on the outside of the building and created another whole on the other side that was 15 feet in diameter. How could a plane that had a wingspan of 144 feet and that had two 6 ton turbine engines leave a hole as minuscule as the hole found in the wall of that building. If it was a plane that did, indeed, crash into the pentagon, it would have left an imprint of the wings and the turbine engines; not just a 16 foot around hole. A witness at the pentagon stated that he smelled cordite. Cordite is an explosive powder composed of nitroglycerin, gun cotton and petrolatum. Cordite is used in bombs and other explosive compounds. If a jet-fulled plane had hit the pentagon, it would of smelled like jet fuel: not cordite. This suggests that the pentagon was not hit by a plane, it was hit by a missile.
By displaying the evidence towards what really happened at the pentagon, one starts to wonder: if the government hid that from us, what really happened in New York on 9/11? Everyone suggested that the plane that flew into the twin towers was the only thing that caused its traumatizing collapse. But, the documentary stated otherwise and made you actually think about what could have really caused the deaths of those hundreds of people that perished. From a scientific standpoint, you can conclude that it was not just the plane that caused that huge amount of damage. First of all, lets discuss the structure of the twin towers. The twin towers were made of 2000 tons of steel and concrete. That's about 4,409,180lbs. Each tower was 1,368 feet tall and had a length and breadth of 208 ft.x 208 ft. Now, with this stated, lets talk about how the twin towers were hit. Each building was hit head on by an unidentified aircraft. Even though the towers suffered a massive amount of damage, it was not enough to cause them to fall abruptly like they did. Each tower fell within a matter of minutes. With that in mind, lets compare. In July 1945, the Empire state building was hit by a plane, but guess what... it is still standing. In 1988, a 62 foot skyscraper( not as tall nor as wide as the twin towers) was hit and stayed on fire for 4 hours. It did not fall. A skyscraper in Venezuela burned for 17 hours and did not fall. What can you conclude from this information? Witnesses that watched and video taped the fall of the twin towers stated that it had looked like the building imploded. When you think about implosions, what is the first thing that you think about? Perhaps you think about the planned demolition of buildings that are conducted by a specialized team. That is exactly what the twin towers did. They fell to the ground in a rippled-like motion almost like that of a building that is demolished with explosives. I think we can predict from this information that the twin towers were not just hit by a plane.
With the scientific evidence of what really happened, you can see, not only the logical explanation of the disasters, but an in depth look at the truth behind what happened on 9/11 and the things that our government tried to hide from us (as if we weren't going to find out anyway).
In the film “Loose Change” it tell it talks about how in the opinion of a man and what the thinks really went down on 9/11. Although this is based on his personally opinion he uses facts to prove his points. He also talks about the crashes themselves and how the damages for those crashes differ from what they are suppose to be from a plane of that sort. Physics play a big role in the tragedy of 9/11. In this paper you will see how physics played a dramatic part in this tragedy.
The First point that I would like to bring out to you is that physics really helps thins Korey Rowe prove his point. Several times in this documentary Korey uses differ points to tell us that what they say could not happen the way they say it because the physics does not added up with what they said went on. In one point of the movie he asks the question “Why is the damage to the Pentagon completely inconsistent with a Bowen 757?” He began to tell how the say that the plane went completely through the pentagon but there is only one single hole that is about in 16 feet diameter. A Bowen 757 is 105 feet long, 44 feet high, has a 124 foot wing span, and weighs almost 100 tons. So why is it that a plane that is there was only one hole and no damage from the wings or anything else. No Bowen 757 could have caused this damage. This damage came from a Cruise Missile.
The Second point I would like to bring out is the time it actually took the Twin Towers to fall. At 9:59 in New York City, New York the South Tower of the World Trade center collapsed in 10 seconds. Then about 29 minutes later the North Tower does the same falling in about 10 seconds. Then later on that evening world trade center at 5:20 World trade center 7 a 47 story office building 300 feet away from the tower suddenly falls and all the buildings around weren’t even affected by the fall. They say falling debris from the tower ignited some fuel in the building causing it to burn. The way these building took and collapsed they could really be turn into physics problems.
These problems really relate to what we have been learning all year long in physics class. Like for instances free fall and gravity are both uses in these actions. Free fall is used when they talk about the missile was supposable dropped instead of the plane actually crashing into the building. Gravity is used when they start talking about how the bulidng fell in to convenient little piles. Newton’s laws even played a part in 9/11. These entire little thing we learn in physics had a huge impact on bring down some of the U.S. most important places.
After watching this film it has made me think a little more about how physics is suede in our everyday lives. I think 9/11 is one of the most tragic things that has happen to America, its how the thing we learn contributed to the fall. This really sparked my curiosity in physics just a little bit more.
In this essay I will discuss how physics is related to the film "Loose Change". I will give exambles and true facts that supports the situation.
In the film "Loose Change" physics is highly related to the situation presented. Gravity is a big aspect in physics which was shown in the film also. One that really stood out to me was "FREE FALL", why because when those towers fell that to me was true free fall because the buildings just fell straight down.
If you analyze how the buildings fell it was nothing but true free fall, they fell straight down. Free fall is when something falls straight down in mid air and thats what happened.
I believe that the two main aspects shown was Gravity and Free Fall from my opinion.
In closing those towers mainly represented gravity and free fall and that was very much evident in the film. I never even realized that until truly analyzing the towers with a critical eye.
The film ,loose change 2nd edition, is refering to physics by using free fall, Newton's first law also long with mass.
In the movie free fall was use to be refer to as how the planes and buildings fell during that day. When the plane hit the south wall of the twin towers it colapes later on not much after the north wal was hit.
It refer to newton's first law because it stated no object can move unless move upon by an 2nd force. In other words, the building wouldnt have fallen if the plane didnt hit it.
Also mass because on how the plane wieght and on how each plane was design. The plane had an very important way it was design but being so heavy it took an lot out of the wall of the towers.
So all together the whole 911 program was done to scared the maerican people into going to war and blaming someone else but really it was the president of the united states of america.
In the film Losse change physics has played an huge apart in this movie.
For explame, they use free fall to tell how the planes fall, they use mass to tell how much the planes weight and how each part of the plane wieght. And last but not least gravity and how the building fell.
This movie made me feel sad ebcuase the united states did this on purpose just top start and war. But we as people will be strong. This movie is nothig but the truth. The united states are trying to hide what really went on.
My opinion is that sometimes freak accidents happen but that wasn't no freak accient. The building was set with bomb that went off killing over 1,000 people which didnt deserve to die
Loose change needs to be known by everyone who lives, eat and sleep and if you dont do anything of those then ur dead but anyway. Loose change is very imformal and cool.PAss it on
Loose Change is a very solid referenced documentary. I also saw two different films In “Plane Sites” and “Loose Change”. In the film loose change physic played a major part in the film. For instance, when that plane hit the twin towers I believe that to be gravity. In other words when the buildings were falling while paying attention in physics class, I strongly feel that to be known as “free fall”. There are more true claims in Loose Change than in IPS, which makes the false parts more realistic. At this point there were new hoaxes and more of them in Loose Change than IPS. IPS is also known as In Plane Site. In this paper I will investigate how it relates to physics, the phony, and the truth.
Korey Rowe kind of was using physics to prove his point of truth about 9/11. Korey also explain the main points in the documentary what could not happen exactly because the physic part of the film was not really approved. For example, free fall and gravity played a part in the film because free fall was used when they explain that missile were believed to drop instead of a plane hitting the twin towers. In addition, the gravity part was used when they put in plain words that the buildings fell into a pile in I believe 10 seconds or less. However, this was a big disaster especially when people could not get the story correctly.
Loose Change, it is not quite possible to forget and not accept it as the truth that 9/11 was engineered not by Osama, but by our own Government. Besides that there are entirely too many different stories out in America about 9/11. Many people decided to make certain things up and chose to exaggerate the whole situation like adding several things such as when the buildings were falling and hit the ground that one building survives. Following this further meaning that all the buildings around one other building has not falling, which I believe to be phony because if that’s the case they all should have fell. A male named Roberts also said that “ he counted 81 errors in Loose Change” meaning that there is not one person close to a solution about 9/11.
I strongly feel only the people who were there could tell the story that survives the impact from a much unharmed range. In other words people who actually made it to a safer range away from the disaster have all the true answer because they were there when it became a major impact. From my point of view, I also think that some of this information about 9/11 was made up because of the technology we have in today’s society. For instance, how many investigators or nation wide news reporters using digital effects towards the different stories we received, when trying to find a solution to why it came about.
To sum up everything my paper gave effectively facts, statements, and opinions to prove my point of view on “Loose Change.” Additionally, it gave a good introductory paragraph to give a brief summary on what my paper was going to be about. I believe that if one witness that was there at the scene of the crime that day should bring out the truth to America.
In the film loose chage physics palyed a big role in the film. From the time the plane crashed into the twin towers. That was gravity actiing on the whole thing.
Also when the building began to fall after the explosion in my opinion that was free fall.Free fall is motion with no acceleration other than that provided by gravity.
In my opinion it was plenty of freefall but.falling through an atmosphere is also referred to as free fall. And the building was definiately falling. Standing on the ground the gravitational acceleration is interraacted. by the normal force from the ground.
Also sep.11 remind me of a ride a dorney park that takes u up then drops you back down.
It is called the dominater it is something like freefall.
Also gravity acted on the whole thing because without gravity it would have just stayed in place.
Gravitation is by which all objects with mass attract each other. So everything just acted on each other at the same time. So did the explosion which was the main cause of the building falling.
Gravity is in everyday use so any typical or noram action gravity would be used in.
The movie Loose Change unearthed the truth about what happened during 9/11. However, this synopsis is not going to describe the deceit that the government has put forth. It will describe the science of what happened. I will describe what could and could not have happened during the plane crashes, the structures of the buildings and why they fell, and why in some cases, this is not entirely true.
The explanation as to why the pentagon was hit stated that it was a plane that demolished the side of the building. But, the researcher/narrator of "Loose Change" stated otherwise and gave accurate information to prove his claim. First, he talked about the structure of the plane that collided with the wall of the pentagon. The plane was a Boeing 757. It was 155 feet long, 44 feet high, had a 144 foot wingspan, and weighed 100 tons. The turbine engines on the plane were 6x9x12 feet each, weighted 6 tons each, and were made of steel and titanium. In the movie, it stated that the people who were trying to "explain" the collision stated that the plane was completely vaporized while being inside of the building and that was the reason why none of the plane's remains were found. But, if you think about it logically, how could there not be any remains at all? The narrator stated that because of what the plane was made of, it could not have been vaporized and it would have to reach intense heat before it would be able to. This so called crash was compared to a plane that was similar to that of the pentagon collision. The plane crash landed in Greece and left behind a numerous amount of debris such as, the wings, the nose, human bodies, and other things that proved that a plane had crashed. So again, how could there not be any debris during the pentagon attack? During the pentagon collision, the narrator also stated that the so called "plane" had left a hole that was 16 feet in diameter on the outside of the building and created another whole on the other side that was 15 feet in diameter. How could a plane that had a wingspan of 144 feet and that had two 6 ton turbine engines leave a hole as minuscule as the hole found in the wall of that building. If it was a plane that did, indeed, crash into the pentagon, it would have left an imprint of the wings and the turbine engines; not just a 16 foot around hole. A witness at the pentagon stated that he smelled cordite. Cordite is an explosive powder composed of nitroglycerin, gun cotton and petrolatum. Cordite is used in bombs and other explosive compounds. If a jet-fulled plane had hit the pentagon, it would of smelled like jet fuel: not cordite. This suggests that the pentagon was not hit by a plane, it was hit by a missile.
By displaying the evidence towards what really happened at the pentagon, one starts to wonder: if the government hid that from us, what really happened in New York on 9/11? Everyone suggested that the plane that flew into the twin towers was the only thing that caused its traumatizing collapse. But, the documentary stated otherwise and made you actually think about what could have really caused the deaths of those hundreds of people that perished. From a scientific standpoint, you can conclude that it was not just the plane that caused that huge amount of damage. First of all, lets discuss the structure of the twin towers. The twin towers were made of 2000 tons of steel and concrete. That's about 4,409,180lbs. Each tower was 1,368 feet tall and had a length and breadth of 208 ft.x 208 ft. Now, with this stated, lets talk about how the twin towers were hit. Each building was hit head on by an unidentified aircraft. Even though the towers suffered a massive amount of damage, it was not enough to cause them to fall abruptly like they did. Each tower fell within a matter of minutes. With that in mind, lets compare. In July 1945, the Empire state building was hit by a plane, but guess what... it is still standing. In 1988, a 62 foot skyscraper( not as tall nor as wide as the twin towers) was hit and stayed on fire for 4 hours. It did not fall. A skyscraper in Venezuela burned for 17 hours and did not fall. What can you conclude from this information? Witnesses that watched and video taped the fall of the twin towers stated that it had looked like the building imploded. When you think about implosions, what is the first thing that you think about? Perhaps you think about the planned demolition of buildings that are conducted by a specialized team. That is exactly what the twin towers did. They fell to the ground in a rippled-like motion almost like that of a building that is demolished with explosives. I think we can predict from this information that the twin towers were not just hit by a plane.
With the scientific evidence of what really happened, you can see, not only the logical explanation of the disasters, but an in depth look at the truth behind what happened on 9/11 and the things that our government tried to hide from us (as if we weren't going to find out anyway).
Documentary: "Loose Change" 2nd edition
In the film “Loose Change” it tell it talks about how in the opinion of a man and what the thinks really went down on 9/11. Although this is based on his personally opinion he uses facts to prove his points. He also talks about the crashes themselves and how the damages for those crashes differ from what they are suppose to be from a plane of that sort. Physics play a big role in the tragedy of 9/11. In this paper you will see how physics played a dramatic part in this tragedy.
The First point that I would like to bring out to you is that physics really helps thins Korey Rowe prove his point. Several times in this documentary Korey uses differ points to tell us that what they say could not happen the way they say it because the physics does not added up with what they said went on. In one point of the movie he asks the question “Why is the damage to the Pentagon completely inconsistent with a Bowen 757?” He began to tell how the say that the plane went completely through the pentagon but there is only one single hole that is about in 16 feet diameter. A Bowen 757 is 105 feet long, 44 feet high, has a 124 foot wing span, and weighs almost 100 tons. So why is it that a plane that is there was only one hole and no damage from the wings or anything else. No Bowen 757 could have caused this damage. This damage came from a Cruise Missile.
The Second point I would like to bring out is the time it actually took the Twin Towers to fall. At 9:59 in New York City, New York the South Tower of the World Trade center collapsed in 10 seconds. Then about 29 minutes later the North Tower does the same falling in about 10 seconds. Then later on that evening world trade center at 5:20 World trade center 7 a 47 story office building 300 feet away from the tower suddenly falls and all the buildings around weren’t even affected by the fall. They say falling debris from the tower ignited some fuel in the building causing it to burn. The way these building took and collapsed they could really be turn into physics problems.
These problems really relate to what we have been learning all year long in physics class. Like for instances free fall and gravity are both uses in these actions. Free fall is used when they talk about the missile was supposable dropped instead of the plane actually crashing into the building. Gravity is used when they start talking about how the bulidng fell in to convenient little piles. Newton’s laws even played a part in 9/11. These entire little thing we learn in physics had a huge impact on bring down some of the U.S. most important places.
After watching this film it has made me think a little more about how physics is suede in our everyday lives. I think 9/11 is one of the most tragic things that has happen to America, its how the thing we learn contributed to the fall. This really sparked my curiosity in physics just a little bit more.
In this essay I will discuss how physics is related to the film "Loose Change". I will give exambles and true facts that supports the situation.
In the film "Loose Change" physics is highly related to the situation presented. Gravity is a big aspect in physics which was shown in the film also. One that really stood out to me was "FREE FALL", why because when those towers fell that to me was true free fall because the buildings just fell straight down.
If you analyze how the buildings fell it was nothing but true free fall, they fell straight down. Free fall is when something falls straight down in mid air and thats what happened.
I believe that the two main aspects shown was Gravity and Free Fall from my opinion.
In closing those towers mainly represented gravity and free fall and that was very much evident in the film. I never even realized that until truly analyzing the towers with a critical eye.
The film ,loose change 2nd edition, is refering to physics by using free fall, Newton's first law also long with mass.
In the movie free fall was use to be refer to as how the planes and buildings fell during that day. When the plane hit the south wall of the twin towers it colapes later on not much after the north wal was hit.
It refer to newton's first law because it stated no object can move unless move upon by an 2nd force. In other words, the building wouldnt have fallen if the plane didnt hit it.
Also mass because on how the plane wieght and on how each plane was design. The plane had an very important way it was design but being so heavy it took an lot out of the wall of the towers.
So all together the whole 911 program was done to scared the maerican people into going to war and blaming someone else but really it was the president of the united states of america.
In the film Losse change physics has played an huge apart in this movie.
For explame, they use free fall to tell how the planes fall, they use mass to tell how much the planes weight and how each part of the plane wieght. And last but not least gravity and how the building fell.
This movie made me feel sad ebcuase the united states did this on purpose just top start and war. But we as people will be strong.
This movie is nothig but the truth. The united states are trying to hide what really went on.
My opinion is that sometimes freak accidents happen but that wasn't no freak accient. The building was set with bomb that went off killing over 1,000 people which didnt deserve to die
Loose change needs to be known by everyone who lives, eat and sleep and if you dont do anything of those then ur dead but anyway. Loose change is very imformal and cool.PAss it on
Loose Change is a very solid referenced documentary. I also saw two different films In “Plane Sites” and “Loose Change”. In the film loose change physic played a major part in the film. For instance, when that plane hit the twin towers I believe that to be gravity. In other words when the buildings were falling while paying attention in physics class, I strongly feel that to be known as “free fall”. There are more true claims in Loose Change than in IPS, which makes the false parts more realistic. At this point there were new hoaxes and more of them in Loose Change than IPS. IPS is also known as In Plane Site. In this paper I will investigate how it relates to physics, the phony, and the truth.
Korey Rowe kind of was using physics to prove his point of truth about 9/11. Korey also explain the main points in the documentary what could not happen exactly because the physic part of the film was not really approved. For example, free fall and gravity played a part in the film because free fall was used when they explain that missile were believed to drop instead of a plane hitting the twin towers. In addition, the gravity part was used when they put in plain words that the buildings fell into a pile in I believe 10 seconds or less. However, this was a big disaster especially when people could not get the story correctly.
Loose Change, it is not quite possible to forget and not accept it as the truth that 9/11 was engineered not by Osama, but by our own Government. Besides that there are entirely too many different stories out in America about 9/11. Many people decided to make certain things up and chose to exaggerate the whole situation like adding several things such as when the buildings were falling and hit the ground that one building survives. Following this further meaning that all the buildings around one other building has not falling, which I believe to be phony because if that’s the case they all should have fell. A male named Roberts also said that “ he counted 81 errors in Loose Change” meaning that there is not one person close to a solution about 9/11.
I strongly feel only the people who were there could tell the story that survives the impact from a much unharmed range. In other words people who actually made it to a safer range away from the disaster have all the true answer because they were there when it became a major impact. From my point of view, I also think that some of this information about 9/11 was made up because of the technology we have in today’s society. For instance, how many investigators or nation wide news reporters using digital effects towards the different stories we received, when trying to find a solution to why it came about.
To sum up everything my paper gave effectively facts, statements, and opinions to prove my point of view on “Loose Change.” Additionally, it gave a good introductory paragraph to give a brief summary on what my paper was going to be about. I believe that if one witness that was there at the scene of the crime that day should bring out the truth to America.
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