

Friday, March 7, 2008

5 Paragraph essay on a Utopian Society

Post your five paragraph essay here for the Utopian society project.


Charles''C>Dot''Grant said...

My paper is about utopia society around the world from slavery to now and some good information about the utopian life and the society. My essay talks about the crime rate and how utopia is affected communities and around the world.
Utopia society has been used to describe both intentional communities that attempted to create an ideal society, and fictional societies portrayed in literature. Canada is thought to be perfect because there is a low crime rate. The crime rate in Canada is 50% lower than the U.S. In 2004 Canada established a national action plan, aimed in part at reducing violence, called A Canada Fit for Children. Writers have written about utopian societies in literature. Rabelais’s first book of Pantagruel (1532) in which a section is entitled “The Expedition to Utopia.” City of the Sun (Civitas Solis, 1623) by Tommaso Campanella also talks about the Utopia Society.
Everybody has their sides. Some say the world is getting more messed up. As you could see people are dying from AIDS, people are getting killed, Teenagers are jumping little kids for no reasons, teen’s girls are getting pregnant at a lower age. People want to live in a better world because they could live a better life for them and their children.

I think utopia is attainable. Long ago slavery was going on, white and black peoples couldn’t join together. But now in the year 2008 white and black people and children are joining like a family around the world.
In conclusion a utopia society can affected the people around the world. But I wish this world get better in the future. If there wasn’t a utopian society this world be bad for everybody.

ThomasH18 said...

Could you imagine living in the Utopian society? I think that no one that lives on earth now can live in the Utopian Society. Not one soul on this planet called earth is fit to live in the Utopian society. Everyone has committed a crime or has said or done something wrong.

If no one had done anything wrong ever in their life they would be one of the dumbest people on earth. I say that to back it up with this. You make mistakes and you learn from them. If you never make any mistakes you would have no point to living on earth. You would know nothing. We make mistakes and 90% of the time it is not a good mistake. To live in the Utopian society you would not be able to make mistakes because you would be perfect.

Everyone knows that there is not a person on earth that is perfect, and the only perfect begin is god because he is the creator and no person is better than him. You could try but you would fail miserably.

The only place to me that is considered a Utopian society is heaven because there would be no violence in heaven because that is god's house. There would be no violence because everyone would get what they want and there would be no reason to fight.

richardb said...

Utopian Society, considered as the perfect life. There are many ways to explain the perfect utopian society. The perfect utopian society could lead to conflict. Everyone has there own opinions now a days. But still people still purse on the utopian society.

Utopian society which means perfect for u in every way such as if u like mansions it would be nothing but mansions around you. It’s how ever you want your life to be. Not, how somebody else want it to be but yours. So it’s the way you want in your life all the time it might be cheap bills or fancy cars.

The utopian society can also lead to the conflict. The reason why is because every body don’t think the same things are perfect. Half of the people might want to live in houses and the other might want live in apartments. You could even say that half might want to be gay and the other half might be against it which might cause choosing sides. Once people star choosing sides then next come governments then a war and then u back in the situation you started of wit.

Although utopia various things to various people, there are several fundamental elements that universally apply to the classification of a society as utopian society. Like every one knows how to play sports. It could be you just playing video games all day. There are many things you can say. You could even relate it to a race; you might want nothing but black people around you.

Ultimately, Utopia society is only imaginary there is too many issues to relate with another person when you say utopian society cause it starts conflicts. Just because there are so many different ways to explain and describe utopian society. So that’s why people continue to purse and say what they say about utopian society. To sum up its no such thing its all imaginary cause its impossible if it is such thing as utopian society then that’s means were living in it rite now

Precious @k@ {[EyE cAnDii]} said...

A Utopian Society is a very peaceful place where you can breathe fresh air and not worry about being poisoned with pollution. A utopian society is everything that you think is a good society. It can be as simply as everyone playing golf everyday. It’s a make believe place where everything is perfect. There are many people in the world that believe that the Utopian Society looks different then others. Some even argue about what it look like. I on the other hand have a different opinion on what it looks like.
A Utopian Society is very peaceful and worry free society. I believe it could be built in a country where there is a lot of land. It should built in a place where you can build water falls and plant big trees that are good for the animals, people, and just to make the place look nice. A Utopian society, my opinion, is a very beautiful place that has a lot of purple flowers everywhere and fruit and vegetables grow fast. Its always bright and sunny everyday and the nights are nice and cool. People can worship who ever they want as their god and nobody will fight or anything.
Also, I believe that people continuously believe that a utopian society exist believe that it really is a place like that. Therefore, people are entitled to there own opinion. They believe it looks like this and that and they are not wrong because its what ever they think it looks like. Only because it was never discovered so they don’t know what it really looks like. It’s just a figment of there own opinion and imagination and nobody can tell them different. I heard it looked like a fairy tell dream where every wish comes true.
More or less, when there is a good, there is always a bad. A utopian society can also have a bad or it could be a bad place. The place would be called a dystopia and it would be the complete opposite of a utopian society. It would have, in my opinion, dark areas and no fun would be there. You would have to work hard every day for low pay or even no pay. It would be a waste of time to live there because you would be angry everyday. Nobody would like to be angry everyday or even close to everyday because it just makes them have a bad day
In conclusion, learning about the utopian and dystopian society was very interesting. I never knew anything about that before this whole project. I think everyone should make a mental picture of what they think both society’s look like. Its a lot of fun and you get to see what other people think.

Precious @k@ {[EyE cAnDii]} said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gorgeous said...

Alicia Whitfield
Utopian Society

The Utopia society can be many things but the main thing that it consists of is the people. In Utopia they cherish and have great respect for the people family comes first and the well being of everybody is important. Also having your freedom is very important because without that you can not live your life you have no control over your life. Responsibility comes a long way in Utopia you just can’t wake up and decide that you are responsible you have to earn it and show it. That is what you will learn about in this passage.

People continue to peruse the concept in Utopia because it is very important to keep the same image going for a certain amount of years. Especially one that is positive for many years the utopia society has been known for such great things. People also want to make sure no one forgets about Utopia. That is why I think they try ago hard to keep everyday as is especially the culture. A nation’s culture can reflect on many things so it is important to keep a certain image. Nothing or no one wants to be forgotten especially when it is such a powerful society.
Competing notions of what Utopia used to look or be like can cause conflicts because of confusion. What if the society gets look down upon just because of something it used to be? And what if it cannot maintain the old way and causes too much confect people get really upset about things like this.
I think Utopia is attainable because it is where a person is from where someone lives. Anything is worth attaining where someone is from and how important it is to the community. If they can prove that it is with all it is being presented then yes it is worth it.
I think that Utopia is a great society and all the questions above prove that it is worth much more. If a community is trying to change or make better anything is worth it. If I lived there or anywhere and wanted there to be change or to consider it attainable I agree it’s where your form.

Anonymous said...

What are the ideals (e.g., freedom, responsibility, justice, community, etc.) that should be honored in a utopian society?

As the ages haave passed and mankind evolved, new foundations became discovered. Since the birth of the first civilization, where order and laws were relatively new, has man tried to unify its people into a singular entity where everyone coexists in harmony. However, since their construction many such societies established have all met their annihilation at their own hands. Corrupt governments as well as politics, lacking judicial systems, destitute wealth and disorderly masses are the bases on which these societies are built, what’s more is that it is these components that have wrought their eventual downfall. To counteract these ongoing issues, many societies have made efforts to devoid themselves of such complications, extreme measures taken to achieve the dream of a Utopian society.

Being one of the cornerstones of society, governments are key to maintaining an unwavering one. Without the structure of a government nothing is achievable. Governments ascertain the prevalent issues of the people, along with deciding on how to appease them so that the other facets of society operate coincidingly. The governments of societies pave pathways for new forms of civility, such as politics. Politics are the manifestation of human evolution at its finest, adapting from simple warfare to peace talks and debates. If a society possesses a poorly constructed government and politics, sadly, they may also constitute as potential threat to the society itself in the long run.

If successful in establishing a firm government and politics, it can beckon the birth of judicial systems. Despite judicial systems being without question, utterly useless in utopias, it can be said that they are in actuality a necessity in the formation of one. In regards to their benefits, judicial systems are a highly effective means for eliminating if not limiting the amount of crime which exists in societies. Its other purposes may serve as an overseer of legislation, taxation and other affairs essential to the progression of societies. These practices performed by those who strive to achieve a utopian society, also create a path to one of the, if not the most significant facets of society, economic wealth.

Economic wealth is responsible for the success of a society and whether its people are content. It is imperative that societies posses an adequate amount of wealth capable of sustaining and securing its people. If properly used, wealth can not only support a society’s citizens but also appeal to their desires and needs. This wealth would eradicate poverty and solve any arousing issues that can be dealt with by means of currency. Gambling economic wealth while sustaining life and appeasing citizens can be a troublesome ordeal for a society, though once mastered, it can be a mighty tool in constructing a utopia.

Societies thrive on fundamental functions which cause it to exist for however long or short its lifespan may be. This is determined by the manner in which these functions are executed, poorly or with precision. Lost kingdoms and empires have all strived to attain what our current world fights for. A society without destitution, legal issues, combat, spite and poverty is every person’s ideological utopian society.

Marlene Fleming said...

Throughout life have you ever stop and stare at the clouds and just wonder what a utopian, or prefect, society would be? Have you ever wonder what it would look like? Have you ever though about ruling it? If so what stopping you?
Although you have heard many stories or saying about the utopia society being hard or will never happen well it is wrong. The utopia society hasn’t change over time. It is still the same and will always be the same. To most people the utopia is a place where you can go and relax. Well it is true but it is also a place where you don’t have to think about anything else in the world and just calm down.
People are continuing to pursue the concepts of a utopian society because of the way the world is today. Today’s world is full with bad people and violence. Now day’s people are getting sicker and the violence is so bad that you can not walk outside your door without fearing for your life. So with this saying it is very bad.
Yes utopia is attainable. All you need is some people who are very open minded to things. Utopian will cost everyone, which I know this is hard, but it will cost everyone or people who wants to be in this society an peaceful mind and love for each other. Yes I know people cant love each other but they have to for the sake of the utopia society.
Utopia an very easy place for all to be in. Whether you old or young you can still go to that place and feel at home.

CHARM aka WAFFLES said...

Welcome to my Utopian society it is a place that is filled with so many wonderful things. Introducing a place to the world such as a Utopian society was a brilliant idea. Anyone all over the world can travel to this place because it is free at charge. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have Utopia at home?

Creating a Utopian society can be very easy all you have to do is think of the key things that make the world peaceful and happy and eliminate the harsh and cruelness of the world. A Utopian society to me is living in this perfect place where everyone understands one another and if no there will be reasoning with no violence involved. A place like Utopia was created because of all of the wrong going on in the world. I guess you could look at it as another gift from God like a second chance to be happy. For example a place such as Fiji that has tropical storms, without all of the storms Fiji would be perfect to the one who live there.

The concept of a utopian society is continuing to be pursued because this is the only imaginary place that any one who has at least an ounce of sympothy, love, consideration, loyalty so on and so on in there blood can add things to the society. The thoughts that could be added are good thoughts to the highest standard of ones imagination without judgment. In this nation no one can take away ones pride. See there is this automatic position were no one thinks of anything negative because the point is "Utopia". What would be the point of bring bad to Utopia, there is no point, theres nothing to be proved.

The purpose and or consequence of creating and or maintaining a dystopian society is to be able to have a place to travel to in your mind that is like a dream that you don't want to come out of. I think that the world we live is is the dystopian society. I say this because here it is everything one does not want as a perfect living place. There are sex offenders, killers, bully's and other thinks you can think of that unacceptable. Everyone in there right mind should feel that we live in a dystopian society all they have to do is turn on the television, the radio, or even go outside to see whats really doing on in the world.

Never think that there can't be a place for everyone to wonder off to when there are hardships and tribulations because where there is a will there is a way.

Chaz said...

In today’s society people are rude, disrespectful, and disruptive towards the positive people in our community. In addition, there is not one person in life who can change someone because of who they are in general, but can help them change themselves by giving good advice. For instance, someone may be into gang banging outside in the streets, but with a little advice from someone who they know cares about them could help them change their ways out in public. There is one society that many people have mention about called “Utopian Society”. I believe that it is a fictional society, but many people accept it to be paradise.

I would define Utopian Society as a fiction society because the way our society is today has too many people that are ignorant, and some feel that they have just complete power over others. In addition, people do what ever they please, which make our society completely different from the Utopian Society. As I have mention earlier in this passage many people believe the Utopian Society to be paradise a place where everyone could relax, and that it is crime free in that society. For example, many people say that the Bahamas is like paradise a place where they have good security, and that everyone there knows that they are safe. Furthermore, the ideals in the Utopian society are supposed to be people that have a good sense of humor and that are there to live in peace.

In fact, other ideals of the Utopian society can be leadership, smartness, respectful, and people that show positive attitude. Therefore they are people who have respect for everyone in their society. To illustrate, someone may be a bully in school hurting a younger student, but in the utopian society that student and bully become friends and it stays that way. Another ideal of the Utopian society is by just being able to make your own decisions towards being free. The people of that nation/culture should be honored to live there in a good and peaceful society. However, people may compare Utopian society to conflict, which make them want to know a little more information about this society.

From my point of view the Utopian society cannot be competed to conflict because everyone believes that utopian is like paradise a perfect society. There are different ideas of culture because people might have two opinions about the way they feel comparing the Utopian society to conflict. I strongly feel people that compare this society to conflict are people that have no clue about Utopian society themselves. Another reason I believe that conflict could not be a comparison to Utopian society is that if there is a way to have conflict inside the Utopian society then this would not be the necessary name of a bad society.

In conclusion, I believe the Utopian society to never exist in our society. The only way for our society to be change is for everyone our country to get along each & everyday. Many people believe the utopian society be a safe and secure society, where people give respect to the elderly. In addition, meaning that there are all types of different race their getting along with each other, and there are no racial comments back & forth between the races.